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Semitone Studio

Music  Production

Recording, Dubbing

Mixing, Mastering

About Us

Semitone Studio is a professional Recording Studio based in Mumbai. Located in the heart of this thriving city, we are accessible from any corner. 


We offer an impressive array of production and recording services, top-notch gear, and affordable rates in a picturesque studio. Whether you're a professional musician, or a music enthusiast, or a filmmaker, we got you covered. Speak with us today to see how we can help you realise your creative potential.

Skilled Expertise

State of the Art Equipment

Professional Environment

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Our Sevices

What we've been up to 

61, Parekh Chambers, R. A. Kidwai Rd,

Matunga (E), Mumbai 400019,

Ph: +91 9892385127;


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Our Recent Projects

We are constantly producing new music and dubbing voiceovers.  We’ve had the opportunity to work with immensely talented musicians, helping their musical creations take a more permanent form and enabling them to realise their musical dreams at the fullest potential.

Check out some of our recent projects to get a better idea of what we deliver.

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